Artist interview with Vicki Mansley


Read about artist vicki mansley’s practice of pen and ink drawing and her love of architectural subjects.

Mansley has recently exhibited at The Vault, in a group exhibition titled Creative Conference, that took local creative’s work and exhibited them in conversation with one another.


Q: Your drawings of buildings are intricate and captivating. Can you share the architectural inspiration behind your work?

A: Growing up in Liverpool and working in the city centre, I have been surrounded by beautiful architecture & listed buildings. I am drawn to buildings with a lot of character & detail, particularly older buildings.

Q: What drew you to pen and ink drawings, how does this medium impact your work?

A: I have experimented with many mediums, including charcoal, pencils and fine liners, but find that pen & ink creates the most expressive & detailed line work. It helps me to draw more freely, capturing the expression & atmosphere of the subject.

Q: Your drawings evoke a strong sense of place, how do you capture the essence of a location in your work?

A: Most of my works are based on architectural structures in busy cities. I will go to the location, take many photographs & gain an understanding of the subject & its surroundings. By doing this, it makes the artwork more meaningful when drawing it.

Q: How has your approach to depicting architecture changed over time?

A: I have always loved drawing buildings, but would only draw the subject once or twice, only using one medium (pencil/graphite sticks) and then move on. Experimenting with different mediums and canvas sizes & looking at the subject in more detail, this has helped me to develop my style, being more free & expressive. I have recently introduced colour into my work, using traditional methods & also digital methods. This is something new & out of my comfort zone, as all of my early works are predominantly in black and white. This has helped me progress & continually challenge myself.



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